Sunday, October 26, 2008

pocket full of sunshine

v.ball at siloso beach(:

Woke up ealier than usual today. went for my weekly weekend mass at tp alone today. Cause will be meeting my classmates for beach volleyball ltr in the afternoon. Initally thought it was gonna to rain as the bus there was accompanied with dark, cloudy skies. thus must admit was slightly disappointed.

HAHA(: was the 1st to arrive followed by jimmy, eras and chong yee.

Sentosa was really crowded. maybe it was because of tml being a public holiday. anyways met one of my recruit from army last time. he immediately recognise me. lols maybe i'm still the same as before. heeeheeheee

we waited for awhile before it was our turn to play. HAD a GREAT time playing there. and YESSSSSSSSSS the SUN came shining from beyond the clouds.

had a nice time today. many more to come next time yeah!! hehes

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